PRP Vampire Facial


Meso Therapy with PRP + HA (Pure Hyaluronic Acid infusion) (Vampire Facial)

PRP ‘vampire’ facial rejuvenation is a fast-growing celebrity facial trend, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) – or ‘vampire’ – facial rejuvenation involves using the body’s own blood plasma, once it’s been enriched with platelets. The concentration of platelets in the plasma triggers several growth factors, which stimulate the healing of soft tissue by producing collagen and keratin.

PRP is produced by taking blood from a client’s arm, which is processed to increase its platelet count, and applied with a Meso Gun for accurate application, using a tiny needle to inject the plasma into the face. Benefits of the PRP facial include an improvement in skin tone, texture and colour, which very little recovery time. Results are also longer-lasting than other types of treatment, taking around three weeks to emerge, and lasting for up to two years. This treatment also delivers a Hyaluronic acid application into the skin. Hyaluronic acid is a sugar molecule that occurs naturally in the skin, and it helps to bind water to collagen, trapping it in the skin, so that skin can appear plumper, dewier, and more hydrated.


  • Improved skin texture and acne scarring

  • Collagen stimulation

  • Correction of sun damage

  • Minimises fine lines and pores

  • Skin starts to gain a beautiful glow a few weeks after treatment

  • Skin cell turnover is improved

  • Reduction in stretch marks and cellulite when performed on the body


This treatment does not usually have any downtime in most patients. Some redness or mild bruising may persist for a few hours after treatment. Longer in more sensitive skin types.


  • using PRP: £595

  • using Hyaluronic Acid: £265

  • using DermaFocus Cocktails: £315

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