Holiday Face


Holiday Face Facial

Factors such as climate change, change of schedule and gastrointestinal overload which means going from prepped meals to suddenly shovelling every delicious and beautiful thing you see into your mouth will take its toll on your skin.

For these reasons it is important to ensure that your skin is in its top condition before you fly. It is the same as ensuring you go into an important meeting, prepared, after a good night’s sleep and in your top form.

The Holiday Face Facial has been specifically designed to fortify your skin with all the vital ingredients and hydrators which will in turn create a protective barrier on the surface of the skin which in turn will help store hydration and protect your skin against the sun and other environmental factors. 

This treatment will consist of a thorough cleanse using the Hydrafacial System, a gentle enzyme peel to ensure your skin will absorb all the moisture and hydration, warming collagen therapy, oxygen Infusion using a concoction of vital ingredients which during your facial assessment will be tailored for your skin needs. We will finish this treatment with a skin lift using the latest technology in skin lifting (RF Forma IN Mode).


  • Smoother and clearer looking skin

  • Plumper and hydrated skin

  • Reduced blackheads

  • Instantly lifted and protected skin

Price: £175

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