DermaPen Microneedling


What is DermaPen Microneedling?

The DermaPen is an automated-micro needling therapy system that vertically pierces the skin to naturally stimulate collagen and elastin with minimal epidermal damage. This happens through your body creating a healing response in the skin. With minimal downtime DermaPen promotes scarless healing and natural collagen production in the skin to improve the appearance of scars, acne scarring, stretch marks, wrinkles, pigmentation and rejuvenates the skin. DermaPen Microneedling is most commonly used for facial treatments, but it can successfully be used on any area of the body.

How does it work?

The automatic, high speed vibrating function of the DermaPen increases the effectiveness of the treatment by rapidly creating multiple insertions, quickly and clinically, reducing pain and discomfort for the patient. The needling device creates very tiny needle wounds, which signal your skin to respond to these tiny wounds by producing collagen and elastin fibres. This results in fuller brighter looking skin and reduces the appearance of scars, fine lines, and wrinkles. In addition, we let you choose between potent cocktails by Dermafocus, Hyaluronic Acid, or PRP, which are delivered into the skin during your treatment to give you maximum and visible results just after one session.

Who is it for?

DermaPen Microneedling is ideal for people who have skin irregularities, such as mild to moderate acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, sagging skin, poor skin texture, large pore size, stretch marks, rosacea, melasma, UV damage, and hyperpigmentation or simply need some rehydration after or before going away on holiday.

Is it safe?

Microneedling is extremely safe. There are no negative side effects. Additionally, microneedling can be performed on all skin types and colours without risk or post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation. Microneedling is not suitable for anyone using Accutane within the last 3 months or anyone who currently has open wounds, cuts, abrasions, has undergone radiation skin treatment within the last year, is suffering from any skin infection, condition, or herpes simplex in the area of concern, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or has any history of keloid or hypertrophic scars or poor wound healing.

Is it painful?

Microneedling is not considered to be a painful procedure, but we will still apply numbing cream to the area to be treated for complete comfort. The sensation is usually described as a slight vibration and a massage with a tingling sensation.

How long does the procedure take?

The entire treatment including 30 minutes numbing time takes approximately one hour.

How often does the procedure need to be performed?

Microneedling recommendations vary depending on the condition of your skin, however we normally recommend about 3-4 sessions for maximum results. Since we use one of the most potent products on the market by Dermafocus, the results are visible much sooner and last longer than your regular microneedling treatments. This is why less sessions are needed, often only 2 are required. We advise letting your skin heal for 4 to 6 weeks in between sessions.

How long do results last?

New tissue formation can continue for up to a year after a single session. Once you have achieved desired results, we recommend maintenance sessions once or twice per year.

What is the recovery from DermaPen Microneedling like?

You should expect to see erythema and edema to the treated area in the next day or 2 after your treatment. Tiny pinpoint sized scabs will appear 24-72 hours after your treatment and may remain for 3-7 days following. You should not itch, touch, or exfoliate the scabs in any manner, as they will fall off eventually on their own when they are ready. You should avoid working out, hot showers, massages, and sun exposure to the area treated for 48 hours after your procedure. You should not apply makeup on your skin for 12 hours after your treatment or shave for 1-2 days after your treatment. You may apply emollient creams to alleviate dry, tight, or itchy sensation, and you should apply an SPF of 30 or higher to protect the treated area from sun exposure. Avoid sun exposure for two weeks after your treatment.

When will I see results?

It normally takes a few treatments to see maximum results, however you will notice an improvement in your skin’s appearance after a single treatment. Your skin should continue to produce new cells long after your treatments for up to one year. Once you reach maximum results, we recommend 1-3 maintenance treatments per year.

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